Many people operate in thermometer mode, which basically just lets you know what the temperature in the room is. Example would be, you walk into work and everyone is doom and gloom. Because many people operate in thermometer mode, they fall right in…
I know people who don’t like me and haven’t even had a conversation with me! They really don’t know anything about me but they will take time out to read something I wrote, or watch a video I post and they will do it with disgust! …
You ever had a relationship with a friend and then one day you just don’t anymore? You don’t remember an argue or a disagreement. You can’t think of anything that would make your relationship with them change. As you pondering, you…
Most people are guilty of listening to respond, and not listening to hear. You know when someone might be telling you how they feel and you’re hearing them but you’re really anxious to reply and sometimes so much so you miss valuable inf…