I am an avid reader, and I came across a story about a couple that really inspired me! To sum the story up, a woman and a man had been married for ten years, and they weren't struggling but they were tired of the grind of the regular 9-5. Both parties had dreams, but the man had more experience as far as business. One day he decided to take the step that most dreamers are scared to take. He woke up and decided he was going to put it all on the line and start his consulting company. He still had his regular job, but in all of his free time he was working on his business. Now his wife had dreams of becoming a herbalist but she never thought that it could work out, so she never made a move on it.
During the time of getting the business off the ground, the husband and wife were having a difficult time in their marriage. The wife thought the husband was wasting his time, he didn't have a degree, she didn't think he had any connections, and basically, she thought his vision was just a pipe dream. The husband, on the other hand, believed in what he was doing and he knew that it would take him long to get there than someone else but he knew he would get there.
A couple of years later, the husband had quit his 9-5, was running his company with 3 workers and was making more than he ever had. His success however had caused a rift between his wife and himself. They were headed for divorce, and that was something that he did not want. He would do everything in his power to show his wife that she herself could go after her dream and she could achieve it.
He researched trends, and he would recommend various videos for his wife, but it seemed like the more he would try to help, the more she rejected him. He then realized that as much as he believed in her, it didn't matter because she didn't believe it for herself.
He would try one last-ditch effort. He had run into another herbalist and he asked her if she would talk to his wife. He explained to her that she was so talented and how it was her dream but she lacked faith therefore she couldn't see it for herself. The Herbalist understood and she had been there, so she reached out to her, and boom, it lit a fire in his wife. Now both are running a successful business, but above that, they are happier than ever.
The moral of this post is to show that teamwork makes the dream work! You aren't your partner's competition, and you should be their biggest fan! There will be times when you will need them to pick up where you are falling short, you will need them to see what you can't!