"They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live."
You would be surprised at the people that have a problem with what I post sometimes. I get it, sometimes a post can seem like it is directly to them but that's because a hit dog will always holler lol. I post to uplift and speak or put thoughts into words that someone might not be able to do on their own! Trust me, I could flood your timelines with all the things wrong going on in my life, I could flood your timeline like a sports center top ten and only show the wins. Realistically though, sometimes you just want to read or see a good word! We all growing through something or something's but reach one teach one! In order to receive blessings, you have to be a blessing. I give my kids the same speech every morning for school, because repetition is key, repetition becomes a lifestyle, so the question for yourself is what are you repeating daily?